$400.00 AUD

Shamanic Womancraft 1:1 Session

Shamanic Womancraft uses the ancient way of the midwife - the Mauiutic Method - asking of our wounds "how does this serve?"

This begins the unravelling of the influence of one's rites of passage, red thread or mother line, and allows women to heal and reconnect with their inner knowing, wisdom and power.


What to Expect

You may have a particular issue that you want to understand more deeply.

Relationships, career, parenting, family dynamics: you may see that similar themes or patterns arise in the way you handle situations or difficulties, but feel unable to move away from these responses or change these patterns.

For example: what are the patterns and themes that run through your life unconsciously? You may need to prepare for conception, birth or debrief a birth experience.

You may need help understanding your menstrual cycle or menopause experience….

You will experience an “innerview”, first answering a series of questions around your rites of passage (birth, childhood, menarche, first sexual experience, pregnancy and births, menopause etc). Then you will connect in a video call with your teacher to help you unravel the clues in your story and see a way forward.

Teachers may suggest ceremonies, menstrual cycle awareness, drum journeys or other healing practices.

The process begins with questions sent to you after you've booked, then a 2-hour video call with your teacher and follow up via email.

The investment is $400.